On 18 Feb 2002 at 17:01, Daniel Rogers wrote:

> Recently, we've been the unfortunate recepients of several spams that are
> sent so quickly as to cause spamassassin to overwhelm our mail server.
> Here's what happens:
> Spammer connects to smtp port, gives his helo and mail from, then gives
> 10-15 "rcpt to:"s, essentially bcc'ing a bunch of people on the spam.
> sendmail forks 10-15 procmails, which fork 10-15 spamcs, which fork 10-15
> spamds
> Spammer sends over 30 of these in under two minutes
> Things get ugly.
> At this point, the system is out of processes and things start dying.
> I was thinking that sendmail with milter might help with this problem, but
> installing sendmail 8.12.2 started to hurt my head.  Would milter help? 
> Would any other mailers handle this better?

Sendmail + milter would very definitely help.  Processing is done 
once per message, rather than once for each recipient.

We're using MIMEDefang (http://www.roaringpenguin.com/mimedefang/), 
which is a milter-based system with hooks to SpamAssassin (and virus 
scanners, etc.)  It works very well.

Another nice thing you can do with milter-based systems is reject 
messages during the SMTP conversation, which can reduce delivery 
processing overhead, etc. to some extent.
Nels Lindquist <*>
Information Systems Manager
Morningstar Air Express Inc.

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