On 18 February 2002, Justin Stayton said:
> Hi Everyone,

Hi.  You should throw a clue-brick at your ISP: your message was flagged
as spam because your relay host (, aka
host3.createyourownhosting.com) is in three separate RBL blacklists.
Here's the SA report:

X-Spam-Report:   7.5 hits, 5 required;
  *  2.5 -- Received via a relay in bl.spamcop.net
            [RBL check: found]
  *  2.0 -- Received via a relay in relays.osirusoft.com
            [RBL check: found, type:]
  *  3.0 -- DNSBL: sender is Confirmed Spam Source

> I'm wanting to have messages tagged by SpamAssassin to be sent to a specific
> mailbox (such as [EMAIL PROTECTED]) instead of making it through to the
> original destination (address in "To:" field). Is this possible? And if so,
> how can this be implemented? Thanks.

That's not really a SpamAssassin question; it depends on what filtering
tool you use to post-process SA-tagged messages.  For example, I use
Exim's built-in filtering language to save messages to an all-spam

  if $h_X-Spam-Flag: contains "YES" then
    logwrite "$tod_log $message_id saving to Maildir.spam"
    save Maildir.spam/
    save Maildir/

If I wanted to forward spam to some other address, I would use
"deliver [EMAIL PROTECTED]" instead of "save Maildir.spam/".

If you're using procmail, it will look *something* like this:

  # send spam to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * ^X-Spam-Flag: YES

  # save everything else to ~/Maildir

(I might be missing some vital piece of punctuation here; I am not a
procmail expert and do not ever want to be one.)

Greg Ward - software developer                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MEMS Exchange                            http://www.mems-exchange.org

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