On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 12:25:19AM -0700, Charlie Watts wrote:
> I don't think anybody has done this yet, but it would actually be a really
> cool thing to have ... lots of spammers have a bunch of sender domains,
> but their MX servers are all on the same box.

My thought exactly.

> I didn't take it take it the next step - it works on hostnames, not IP
> addresses. Are you finding that the spammers are all pointing to
> "localhost" or "localhost.localdomain" or are they pointing to
> "bogusmx.ispam.com" which resolves to It wouldn't be hard to
> add that ...

Sometimes they look like this:

pure.la has address

But sometimes it is:

superdada.it mail is handled (pri=10) by mail.superdada.it

mail.superdada.it has address


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