Hi, i installed Spamassassin on GNU/Linux at the weekend and i am VERY impressed. It works great.
I tried to install it on Windows but this failed due several reasons. * There are several getpwuid which are not available on Windows NT I found that they could be substituted by ;; SpamAssassin.pm line 647: return (getpwuid($>))[7]; ;; ==> my $home = eval { (getpwuid($>))[7] } || $ENV{'HOME'}; ;; lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/NoMailAudit.pm line 305 ;; $file ||= $ENV{'MAIL'} || "/var/spool/mail/".getpwuid($>); ;; => $file ||= $ENV{'MAIL'} || "/var/spool/mail/".$ENV{'USERNAME'}; * A test revealed this: c:\home\cc\bin\spamassassin>perl spamassassin.raw -L cc < sample-spam.txt ,---- | Failed to run A_FROM_IN_AUTO_WLIST SpamAssassin test, skipping: (The | Unsupported function link function is unimplemented at | lib/Mail/Spa mAssassin/DBBasedAddrList.pm line 64.) | | Couldn't open /var/spool/mail/cc: No such file or directory at | lib/Mail/SpamAssa ssin/NoMailAudit.pm line 334. | | c:\home\cc\bin\spamassassin>perl spamassassin.raw -PL cc < | sample-spam.txt Failed to run A_FROM_IN_AUTO_WLIST SpamAssassin test, | skipping: (The Unsupported function link function is unimplemented at | lib/Mail/Spa mAssassin/DBBasedAddrList.pm line 64. ) `---- At least the message was spit out on the console after this and marked as spam!! Best regards, Christoph Conrad -- TTi Entwicklungszentrum GmbH, Elisabethstr. 16, D-52062 Aachen Fon: +49 241 47051-0 Fax: +49 241 47051-89 Web: http://www.ttisystems.com - There are 3 kinds of people, those who can count and those who can't. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk