I'm trying to arginate the spam/uce/**** flow that, daily threaths my Center.
Our Mail Server is a good-old unix server running THE postfix (thanks to Wietse!) and I wish to enforce its anti-uce filtering with SpamAssassin but....I've found no hints almost anyware on how to configure Postfix to use it.
Have you, spamassassin gurus, hints and words of wisdom for me? I wish to use the daemonized version (spamd/spamc).
Can you reply directly to my address (I'm not subscribed to the list, not yet....)
Gennaro Esposito
(System & Security Engineer)
MARS Center *****************************
Via E. Gianturco,31 * YES! I SUPPORT *
I-80146 - Napoli - ITALY * *
ph.: +39 081-6042 493 * _/_/ _ _/_/ *
fax...: +39 081-6042 100 * _/_/===x===_/_/ *
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http://www.marscenter.it * *
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