I think envelope checking is best left to the MTA and not delegated to
SpamAssassin, which isn't designed for such things.


on 2/1/02 9:45 AM, Bill Becker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, peter green wrote:
>> What is the purpose of the NO_MX_FOR_FROM test? It can check for a forged
>> from, true... but wouldn't it make as much (or more) sense to test the
>> envelope sender for MX, since that's where bounces might go?
> The envelope domain in a spam is usually forged, but it will still be a
> real domain name.  If a spammer used a non-existant domain in the
> envelope, he couldn't spam AOL.  Also he couldn't spam anyone running a
> reasonably current version of Sendmail.  Those spams would be rejected
> during SMTP instead of being handed to SA.

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