You could try contacting this guy and see if/how he solved his problem --
yours is almost identical I think:

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Roger Weiss wrote:

> Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:55:43 -0800
> From: Roger Weiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: DCC and Postfix
> I am running a Linix server running postfix to filter spam for several
> domains before forwarding the mail to our internal mail server.
> Has anyone got dccproc to work with postfix?
> If so would you share how you did it?
> I would like to set up a DCC server and test this locally.
> Thanks,
> Roger
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> DCC mailing list

on 1/31/02 9:04 PM, Greg Blakely at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I'm the one who wrote the other day to ask if anyone had heard of the
> error I mentioned regarding SpamProxy, and the silence was deafening.
> So, I wrote to the author, and he'd not heard of anything like it.  So,
> I'm left to ask a very BASIC question:
> I actually DO have spamassassin working with procmail, quite nicely,
> thank you.
> But I have a situation where not all my received mail is for users homed
> on that machine.  Nor, for that matter, are they able to reach it via
> NFS.  
> Since SpamAssassin seems to come in so many flavors, can anyone give a
> recommendation as to what I should try?  I am running Postfix as an MTA.

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