Actually, you can switch on the command line already, as pointed out by jm
in another thread not long ago:

spamassassin -MMail::SpamAssassin::DirBasedAddrList {otherflags}


spamd -MMail::SpamAssassin::DirBasedAddrList {otherflags}

on 1/29/02 10:09 AM, Donald Greer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Quick suggestion:  Rather than having to modify SpamAssassin.PM to
> use Dir/DB Based AWL, why not make it an option and, depending on how
> the option is set, eval the appropriate statements to get the module
> installed?  I've seen this done on a few things before, just don't
> remember where.  Hopefully one of the Perk gurus here-abouts knows how
> to do this.
> Don

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