I have installed 2.01 (1.5 > 2.0 > 2.01) and it is tagging mail
perfectly; however:

it is not reading the configuration files I have in place
(either in /usr/share/spamassassin or /etc/mail/spamassassin)...

I have modified both 10_misc.cf and
/etc/mail/spamassassin/spamassassin.cf to bump up required_hits
(strictly for testing) and restarted spamd, however headers are
showing that it is still using the default (5) required_hits.

My /etc/procmailrc recipe reads:
        | spamc -f


spamd is running "/usr/bin/spamd -d -a -L"
I am getting this in /var/log/maillog quite often:
        spamd[18476]: Still running as root: user not specified, not found, or set
to root.  Fall back to nobody.

Any help appreciated.
Michael Geier
CDM Sports, Inc. - Systems Administrator
    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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