> -----Original Message-----
> On Jan 24, Shane Williams wrote:
> > So, with all the traffic over the last 48 hours, I'm feeling a bit
> > confused.  It seems clear that the official 2.0 release had a few
> > bugs.  Are fixes to those bugs being rolled into the 2.0 
> code, or only
> > being applied to the 2.1 code?
> Ditto; I was just about to finally upgrade from my current, very
> stable late-1.4 code to 2.0 when the bug reports started coming
> out. I'm using SA/Razor in production, and I need this to be a fairly
> bombproof upgrade. I'd like to get the whitelist capablity, but there
> have been so many other issues that I've held off waiting for things
> to settle out.
> For those of us who prefer a stable version, rather than the current
> bleeding edge code, what is the correct course of action- and when
> should we act? 

This is a tough call. I'm using SA from CVS just a while before 2.0 was
released and it's running fine (processed 20,000 emails with it today
alone). But I may have missed a few of the late-introduced bugs. Also our
setup isn't the same as anyone elses - we just use SA as a class, not as an

So I'll punt to JM.

Matt. (who has to give a talk about our anti-spam technology to our sales
conference tomorrow. Yeek!)

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