>>>>> "JM" == Justin Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    JM> Looks like there's a corrupted or old spamassassin.cf in /etc.
    JM> Try doing "make install" first...

Yes, I think this was the problem; although "make install" didn't fix
it, I did eradicate every single spamassassin.cf I could find on the

Then I did a fresh install, and voila! everything worked just great.

In hindsight this does seem rather obvious (well, duh!) but I missed
it completely.  Heh.

Somebody else emailed me and mentioned that perl 5.6.0 was fairly
buggy and recommended that I upgrade to perl 5.6.1; I did that last
night but still had the problem.  Upgrading was still a good idea,

Thanks for all of your help.  I'm a happy camper now.   :)

And thanks to everybody who makes SpamAssassin such a terrific
program.  The improvements in 2.0 are really good.  :)

Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead.
        -- Scottish proverb

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