> Is anyone on the SPAM News Mailing List ran by Pete Moss. No matter what I do
> I can not get this email whitelisted. Does anyone have any ideas.

> Forwarded From: "Pete Moss Publications <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" 

In order for people to help you then you would need to include at
least some of the headers of the message.  However you *did* include a
Forwarded From: line, or at least twiggi did, so I will take a guess
that was the original From: header.  The body of the message was not
germane to the question of whitelisting.  It is the headers that are


That has got to be the oddest From: address I have ever seen, if
indeed that is the From: address.  Probably a VERP thing.  Is it
different every time?  Or is that always the address you see?  I
suspect that your mail address is encoded in there so that they can
handle bounces on their end.  In which case it would always be the

If that is the address you always see then add this to your
~/.spamassassin.cf file:

whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If that changes from message to message but the host stays the same
then add this to your ~/.spamassassin.cf file:

whitelist_from *@mailer.whitehat.com


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