Correcting myself...I noticed that there was a problem in my filter
rules...if the SPAM folder didn't exist, it would defer, not do a normal
delivery.  Corrected copy below :)


# Mailfilter rules created by Dave Weiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     #
# to intergrate SpamAssassin with vpopmail using maildrop.  Note:     #
# vpopmail may need the seekable patch applied for this to work.      #
# I did not test this on a non-patched version of vpopmail.           #
#                                                                     #
# These rules have no warranty other than they worked for me :)       #

# We need these environment variables from qmail                      #

import HOME
import EXT
import HOST

if ( $SIZE < 262144 )
# Only scan messages less than 256KB in size                          #
#                                                                     #
# Thanks to Charlie Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for suggesting this  #
# in his post of his maildroprc file to the spamassassin-talk mailing #
# list                                                                #
        exception {
# If spamd dies, go ahead and deliver anyway.  Belt and suspender for #
# the -f flag on spamc.  Thanks again to Charlie Watts :)             #
                xfilter "/usr/bin/spamc -f -u $EXT@$HOST"
if (/^X-Spam-Flag: *YES/)
# If the X-Spam-Flag is set, dump it into a Maildir folder that's     #
# accessible by sqwebmail & courier-imap, but doesn't get downloaded  #
# by qmail-pop3d.  This way, we don't refuse any mail and it's fairly #
# easy for the enduser to review the spam to see if there's anybody   #
# they need to add to their white list.                               #
      exception {
       to $HOME/$EXT/Maildir/.SPAM/
# If there's no SPAM folder, then we need to deliver it normal        #
      exception {
       to "| /var/qmail/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox"
# Ok, it's not marked as spam or there is no SPAM folder in the users #
# Maildir.  Pass it off to vpopmail's vdelivermail for final delivery.#
      exception {
       to "| /var/qmail/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox"

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