In my experience the problem is what you are using for local delivery. Sendmail on a normally loaded box can easily handle 100K messages per day. It's what you use for local delivery that can really kill you.
The Spamd/spamc combo, from initial testing, isn't all that load intensive. This really depends on if you have SA doing RBL/DNS checks. Without those checks, the load is /very/ low. We have a Sun/Solaris/Communigate box doing all smtp/pop/imap/webmail connections. We offload the spamd onto another Linux box (P3 700/256Megs). The spamc calls do increase the system load, but it isn't really an issue as it isn't CPU or i/o intensive, just the number of calls raises the load (CPU is still at 80+% idle). The linux box doing all the spamd is hovering at 0.25 or so. We handle about 10K messages per hour, about 180K messages per day. Going through the spamc/spamd combo is probably about 2/3 of that (5-7K/hour). Ed ************* Problem: CPU usage with procmail to high, MTA stops accepting email because of load average / Sendmail 8.11 has problems with SA and unexpected or long error codes. Potential Resolutions and what I have learned thus far please feel free to adjust: Don't run your smtp server / pop3 server and SA on the same machine on heavily loaded server. SA takes 5-7 seconds per message and can leave hundreds of procmail processes running. Perhaps this is the best way. Case 1 ****** 3 or more machines: 2 running your MTA / SA / and procmail for delivery via NFS to your "main mail server" 1 "main mail server" running pop3 / IMAP agents and providing the services to your customers and supporting local file delivery via NFS from your front end machines I am thinking postfix for the front ends and then using courier pop/imap on the main server Case 2 ****** 1 or more head machine running a "multi threaded spam proxy" with SA which then processes the mail and sends it to "main mail server" running no SA just MTA / LDA / pop3 / IMAP keep existing sendmail config + qpopper / imap Case 3 ****** 1 or more head machine running with SA which connects to a SPAMD machine to do the scanning and then then processes the mail and sends it to "main mail server" running no SA just MTA / LDA / pop3 / IMAP keep existing config + popper / imap Brad _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]