On Tuesday 15 January 2002 13:53 pm, rODbegbie wrote:
> > Does anybody know where I can find a tutorial (or would care to post one)
> > for setting up SA with FetchMail.
> >
> > This is the configuration that I want to use SA with.
> >
> > My mail is held on my ISPs pop3 server - I retrieve this with FetchMail
> > to my RedHat 7 box
> > SA filters my mail
> > I use Outlook on my windows box to retrieve mail from my RedHat box via
> POP3
> > Mail is sent out from my RedHat 7 box using PostFix
> (Hello fellow UKNMer!)
> You don't say what you *currently* use (Just downloading directly from your
> ISP to Outlook?), but it's definitely possible.  The RPMs you'd need to
> install from Redhat to accomplish this would be fetchmail, procmail and
> imap.
> However, I rolled-my-own mailserver using QMail, Maildrop, and
> Courier-IMAP, so can't offer specific advice.  But it's definitely do-able.
> In simple terms, the steps are:
> 1)  Use fetchmail to grab off your ISP server
> 2)  Use procmail/maildrop recipe to call SpamAssassin and process mail.
> 3)  Use the POP3 server supplied by imap-uw/Courier-IMAP to serve it to
> your Windows machine
> rOD.

I don't believe imap would be required unless Outlook requires it.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         01/15/02 14:06  +
"Warning: Dates in the calendar are closer than they appear."

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