Hi all,

I've spent some time updating the snapd REST API documentation for snapd
[1]. It should be now pretty comprehensive.

If you've looked at these docs in the past and found information missing,
please look again. (Of course, if you're directly using this API please
consider the Go library with snapd or snapd-glib [2] instead).

It's a Wiki, so please edit as appropriate!

If you're making a change to snapd please update the docs when you do that.
Since they're not in tree anymore I think they've been a little neglected 😞.
On the plus side, since they're a Wiki they're really easy to update
quickly. A little documentation is better than none, things can always be
fleshed out later.

Happy hacking

[1] https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/wiki/REST-API
[2] https://launchpad.net/snapd-glib
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