Am Montag, den 20.02.2017, 14:44 +0300 schrieb Vasilisc:
> $ echo $PATH
> /home/vasilisc/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:
> /sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
this is not the PATH your snap sees at execution time, just your users
PATH used at login time on the desktop ... 

snap-confine sets the PATH variable when a snap application is executed

try the following:

$ snap install hello-world
$ hello-world.env|grep ^PATH

that will show what PATH a snap actually sees...

you could try to change your "command:" entry to point directly to the
full path of xdg-open inside the core snap, or ship a shell wrapper
script that properly extends PATH to point to $SNAP/usr/local/bin like:


xdg-open "http://google.com";

and set this as your "command:"


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