Hello Aaron,

We're looking at ways to make the queueish nature of a snap's upload
both more visible and more actionable by the developer, since cases
like yours where a snap is rejected and the developer uploads a fixed
version are starting to pop up, and can be easily solved once the
pending upload's status is resolved.

For now, if you point me to your application, I can reject the held
upload, which will simply cause the next one in the queue to undergo
automated review; Since you fixed the automated review issues on
subsequent uploads, that should take care of things.

Awaiting your info,
- Daniel

On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Aaron Hampton <aaron.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to remove a revision of an application I uploaded? It
> currently has Manual review pending for its status because I failed to
> included a .desktop file when one was required. I've since fixed that issue
> in subsequent revisions, but their reviews are pending a previous review.
> I'd like to remove the problem snap, but can't see a way to delete a
> revision in the store.
> Thanks again.
> Aaron
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