
I'm not 100% sure this is the root cause, but:

I am trying to compile a version of ffmpeg on snappy (building a snap), that 
will take advantage of the raspberry pi accelerated h264 decode/encoding.

While doing this, I get MMAL not found by ffmpeg. This leads me to believe that 
MMAL is not present in snappy to compile against - this works perfectly on 

I can't find any deb package in apt that fixes this. So I think the root cause 
is that ubuntu core for RPI is not distributed the MMAL dev environment the 
same way that raspian is, and either I'm unaware/unable to find where to get 
those, or that they don't exist. On raspian they live under /opt/vc.

Anyone know if I'm just missing something or if this is a "bug" in ubuntu core 
on rpi?

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