Am Montag, den 06.02.2017, 13:21 +0100 schrieb Oliver Grawert:
> > ISSUE 4:
> > We built the Dragonboard410c kernel source, Gadget snap and thereby
> > created the Ubuntu OS snap. But when we boot the Ubuntu Core, we
> > get
> > this error:
> > http://pastebin.com/h2eJG1yw
> did you properly list the required firmware to be included with the
> initrd in the "kernel-initrd-fws:" option of your kernel snap
> snapcraft.yaml ?

looking closer your kernel cmdline seems to also miss all snap
settings. they are usually seeded by the snap_ variables from the
scripts in uboot.env ... a link to your gadget snap source would be
really helpful here.


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