On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 2:53 AM,  <gareth.fra...@cliftonts.co.uk> wrote:
> It is ok now thank you. I have had some excellent help and can use what I
> now have to aid me going forward. It is those first few steps that seem
> impossible.

Hey Gareth, I'm happy to see you got it working.

It would be really useful if you could help us improving the
documentation from the things you learned these past weeks. Maybe some
of the text should be clearer, or a few things are missing an
explanation. We happily accept pull requests for the docs in
https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/tree/master/docs, and another
useful resource is to answer your own questions in askubuntu.com once
you know the answer.

pura vida.
¡paz y baile!

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