Thanks kyle, this is really important! In a hackathon event, when the
network was bad and shared by many people, keeping cleaning the project and
rebuilding the project took a lot of time to build the whole project.
Sometime, it took a few tens minutes to get it done!

Best regards,

On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 5:57 AM, Kyle Fazzari <>

> Hey everyone.
> I feel it coming on... this is going to be a tome. tl;dr... snapcraft
> could be smarter than it is. But would that lead to its doing more for
> you than you want? We'd like to find out.
> I've spoken to a few of you individually about this, and I want to open
> this topic up for wider conversation. We have a number of bugs logged
> against snapcraft for its state tracking shortcomings. For example, a
> few of you may have run into these issues:
> - You add a stage package to a part in an already-built snap, and run
> `snapcraft` again. It happily says all the steps have already run, and
> generates a snap that doesn't contain your stage package.
> - You add (or modify) a file in the local source for a part of an
> already-built snap, and run `snapcraft` again`. It again reports that
> everything has already run, and generates a snap that doesn't contain
> your modifications.
> We used to have even more of these issues, but snapcraft has slowly been
> getting smarter about things like this. You may have noticed that v2.23
> fixed that first problem, for example. Well, sort of. Let me explain.
> Snapcraft's state tracking allows us to do some handy things. For
> example, as you probably know, when you run the `stage` or `prime`
> steps, you're combining files from multiple parts into a single
> directory. Thanks to state tracking, snapcraft is able to disentangle
> which files came from which part, and allow you to remove a single
> part's files using per-step cleaning.
> However, this is complicated by the ability to have inter-part
> dependencies (using the `after` keyword). If part A depends on part B
> and part B is being cleaned, then snapcraft knows part A needs to be
> cleaned as well. But should it go ahead and clean it for you? What if
> you were offline and part A required the internet to build? Or
> re-building part A took forever and you didn't want to just wipe it? We
> weren't sure when we implemented this ability, so we decided to be safe
> and force you to say exactly what you wanted. For example, if you simply
> said `snapcraft clean part B` we error out, saying something like "Hey
> you're trying to clean part B, but part A depends on it. If you intend
> for both to be cleaned, please say so."
> This same mindset can be found elsewhere:
> - If you change something in the YAML that makes a part out of date
> (e.g. stage packages) it tells you it's out of date and why, but doesn't
> clean/rebuild it for you.
> - Trying to build part A which depends on part B before B itself has
> been staged leads to "Hey, part A has unsatisfied dependencies." If you
> run `snapcraft stage A B` it'll do the right thing.
> - Not-yet-released features will know when local sources for a part have
> changed, and build the updates, but what should it do if that part has
> another depending upon it?
> The point is: snapcraft is/will be smart enough to help a lot more than
> it currently does in these types of situations. The question I'm posing
> to you all is: how much do you want its help?
> I see four options for how to handle such situations:
> *Option 1*: Error out and make you be specific. This is the current
> behavior.
> *Option 2*: Automatically take care of everything. If you modify a part
> with dependencies, snapcraft will rebuild those dependencies as it sees
> fit without your needing to say so. Similarly, if you clean a part with
> dependencies, snapcraft will clean those dependencies as it sees fit
> without your needing to say so.
> *Option 3*: Prompt. "You've modified part A, but part B depends upon it.
> Would you like to rebuild it as well? (Y/n)" and the like.
> *Option 4*: Add the ability to configure this behavior between options
> 1-3. Perhaps the sensible default would be option 3.
> Our goal here is to do the least surprising thing, which is why we're
> asking for input from our users. Please let your voice be heard!
> --
> Kyle Fazzari (kyrofa)
> Software Engineer
> Canonical Ltd.
> --
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