Le 06/11/2016 à 01:40, Vincent JOBARD a écrit :
> Hi every one
> Few days ago I found that a GUI exists for
> YouTube-dl, https://github.com/MrS0m30n3/youtube-dl-gui.
> So I tried to create a snap for it, based on youtube-dl snapcraft.yaml
> found in the Playpen
> https://github.com/Winael/youtube-dl-gui/blob/snapcraft/snapcraft.yaml
> but when I build my snap I have an error
> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23433523/
> I certainly miss something with the dependancies management but I
> don't found what.
> Is there someone that could help me ?

I suggest that you print PYTHON_PATH and look at the content that
snapcraft has there. I doubt that the python plugin resolves
dependencies from stage-packages at build time.
> I have to animate a workshop next week on how to create snaps, and
> youtube-dl is one of my reference because of multi-source, cloud part
> possibility and part priorization, and it could be nice to show how to
> add a GUI on it with a desktop integration with a very simple
> snapcraft.yaml file
I suggest if you can't get that one working that you use the one I
pointed you about. In addition, it's a continuation of the one you will
demo as part of the conference and build upons multiple concepts:
- mutiple sources (some local, some distant)
- good ordering of properties
- shortcuts and hints (.git enable stripping source-type)
- services and commands talking together
- local plugins.


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