Le 29/07/2016 à 11:32, Dietmar Winkler a écrit :
>> no file '/share/ipe/7.2.5/lua/main.lua'
> but
> $ tree /snap/ipe/current/share/ipe/7.2.5/lua/
> /snap/ipe/current/share/ipe/7.2.5/lua/

It's look in /share but the actual directory is /snap/ipe/current/share,

You might be able to workaround it with some environment variable but
you might also be down to
"upstream use of build-time defined DATADIR incompatible with snaps

There is work ongoing to resolve those situation with smart syscall
redirections but until that land you might be able to workaround using
"/snap/ipe/current/share" as a build prefix and reorganize files in your
prime if needed...


Sebastien Bacher

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