So, the overall answer is yes. But there's a lot to it.  I can't detail 
everything we did to get where you're talking, but let me try to hit some high 
points.  Basically, google anything I'm about to mention to get a fuller 

You can set the "cost" of things per partition via the TRESBillingWeights.  
That includes CPUs, mem, gpus.
You'll need to define anything other than cpu/mem/nodes that you'll want to 
bill for via AccountingStorageTRES.  So, all your GPUs would be specified here.
Slurm provides a somewhat generic "billing" concept.  So, for each minute of 
job time, you can indicate how much "billing" they've accumulated.
You can see how much billing they've accumulated over the life of the account 
via: sshare -a -h -p -o account,user,GrpTRESRaw,GrpTRESMins.   The GrpTRESRaw 
contains a "billing=<number>".  That's the number.  There will be values for 
cpu=, mem=...and those are also indicators of how much they've used. But the 
billing is where you can set the rates via the TRESBillingWeights.
You can set how much billing they have available to use via: sacctmgr modify 
account set grptresmins=billing=<number> where account=<account>.
You can keep people from running jobs if they wouldn't have enough "billing" 
available by setting AccountingStorageEnforce=safe
NOTE:  The GrpTRESRaw billing value just keeps going up.  If the GrpTRESRaw 
value is higher than what is in GrpTresMins=billing...then they won't be able 
to run anything that could "cost" them some billing.  In other 
don't set their GrpTresMins=billing=1000 to give them 1000 "credits".  Instead, 
you'd take the value from GrpTRESRaw billing, and ADD 1000 to that. Then set 
GrpTresMins=billing to that new value.  THEN they have 1000 to spend.

I HIGHLY recommend setting up a test system and messing around with values to 
see what happens.  That helps a lot better to understand how it works.  I found 
the documentation not very helpful in UNDERSTANDING how it works.  I had to 
trial/error it to get it.

Hope that helps.  Bottom line...yes, it sounds like slurm can do most 
everything I saw you wanted to do.


From: John Snowdon via slurm-users <>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2024 4:56 AM
To: <>
Subject: [slurm-users] Tracking costs - one single pool of credits, variable 
costs per partition

We are trying to design the charging and accounting system for our new 
institutional HPC facility and I'm having difficulty understanding exactly how 
we can use sacctmgr to achieve what we need.

Until now, our previous HPC facilities have all operated as free delivery and 
we have not needed to track costs by user/group/project. Account codes have 
been purely optional.

However, our new facility will be split into various resource types, with free 
partitions and paid/priority/reserved partitions across those resource types.

All jobs will need to be submitted with an account code.

For users submitting to 'free' partitions we don't need to track resource units 
against a balance, but the submitted account code would still be used for 
reporting purposes (i.e. "free resources accounted for % of all use by this 
project in August-September").

When submitting to a 'paid' partition, the account code needs to be checked to 
ensure it has a positive balance (or a balance that will not go past some 
negative threshold).

Each of the 'paid' partitions may (will) have a different resource unit cost. A 
simple example:

- Submit to a generic CPU paid partition
-- 1 resource unit/token/credit/£/$ per allocated cpu, per hour of compute

- Submit to a high-speed, non-blocking CPU paid partition
-- 2 resource unit/token/credit/£/$ per allocated cpu, per hour of compute

- Submit to a GPU paid partition
-- 4 resource unit/token/credit/£/$ per allocated GPU card, per hour of compute

We need to have *one* pool of resource units/tokens/credits per account - let's 
say 1000 credits, and a group of users may well decide to spend all of their 
credits on the generic CPU partition, all on the GPU partition, or some mixture 
of the two.

So in the above examples, assuming one user (or group of users sharing the same 
account code) submit a 2 hour job to all three partitions, their one, single 
account code should be charged:

- 2 units for the generic CPU partition
- 4 units for the job on the low latency partition
- 8 units for the gpu partition.
- A total of 14 credits removed from their single account code

Is this feasible to achieve without having to allocate credits to each of the 
partitions for an account, or creating a QOS variant for each and every 
combination of account and partition?

John Snowdon
Senior Research Infrastructure Engineer (HPC)

Research Software Engineering
Catalyst Building, Room 2.01
Newcastle University
3 Science Square
Newcastle Helix
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE4 5TG<>

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