For example if a job has to use different clusters with Slurm I am forced to 
launch it with two sbatch commands:

sbatch -M cluster1 job1
sbatch -m cluster2 job2

This way I get two different jobids. Using sacct I have not found a way to know 
that the two jobs were launched within the same workflow.
I was hoping not to have to add other components such as Nextflow.

From: David <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 2:53 PM
To: Di Bernardini, Fabio <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [slurm-users] Best practices for tracking jobs started 
across multiple clusters for accounting purposes.

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What is meant here by "tracking"? What information are you looking to gather 
and track?

I'd say the simplest answer is using sacct, but I am not sure how 
federated/non-federated setups come into play while using it.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 6:23 AM Di Bernardini, Fabio via slurm-users 
<<>> wrote:
I need to account for jobs composed of multiple jobs launched on multiple 
federated (and non-federated) clusters, which therefore have different job IDs. 
What are the best practices to prevent users from bypassing this tracking?

NICE SRL, viale Monte Grappa 3/5, 20124 Milano, Italia, Registro delle Imprese 
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David Rhey
Advanced Research Computing
University of Michigan

NICE SRL, viale Monte Grappa 3/5, 20124 Milano, Italia, Registro delle Imprese 
di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi REA n. 2096882, Capitale Sociale: 10.329,14 EUR 
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