On 7/17/24 08:43, William V via slurm-users wrote:
I had exactly this problem :
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: Couldn't find the
specified plugin name for cgroup/v2 looking at all files
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: cannot find cgroup
plugin for cgroup/v2
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: cannot create cgroup
context for cgroup/v2
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: Unable to initialize
cgroup plugin
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: slurmd initialization
So on the machine where I compile the packages, I installed dbus-devel, I
recompiled and then reinstalled on the machine and it works now.
Thanks a lot for this observation! Now I see (thanks, Bas!) in
https://slurm.schedmd.com/quickstart_admin.html#prereqs that:
cgroup Task Constraining: The task/cgroup plugin will be built if the hwloc
development library is present. cgroup/v2 support also requires the bpf and
dbus development libraries.
Therefore one *must* install the following packages for cgroup/v2 support:
$ dnf install hwloc-devel libbpf dbus-devel
I've now added these RPM prerequisites in the Wiki page
Another thing, to install devel packages on Rocky Linux (I don't know about other RHEL),
you need to use the command: "dnf install xxx --enablerepo=devel".
dnf install rpm-build gcc python3 openssl openssl-devel pam-devel numactl
numactl-devel hwloc hwloc-devel munge munge-libs munge-devel lua lua-devel
readline-devel rrdtool-devel ncurses-devel gtk2-devel libibmad libibumad
perl-Switch perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker xorg-x11-xauth --enablerepo=devel;
dnf install http-parser-devel json-c-devel libjwt-devel freeipmi-devel
libssh2-devel man2html munge munge-libs munge-devel mariadb-server
mariadb-devel --enablerepo=devel;
That's an interesting issue which we should explore to determine the best
In my tests on a Rocky 9.4 system I didn't need to use
"--enablerepo=devel", even though I see there exists a repo file
/etc/yum.repos.d/rocky-devel.repo containing, however, a warning message:
name=Rocky Linux $releasever - Devel WARNING! FOR BUILDROOT ONLY DO NOT LEAVE
When I try to install a devel RPM package, it comes from the appstream
repo (defined in /etc/yum.repos.d/rocky.repo) in stead:
$ dnf install dbus-devel
Last metadata expiration check: 2:09:03 ago on Wed 17 Jul 2024 07:40:07 AM
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository
dbus-devel x86_64 1:1.12.20-8.el9 appstream
33 k
On AlmaLinux 9.4 the appstream repo is defined in
/etc/yum.repos.d/almalinux-appstream.repo so it's readily available.
Could you perhaps examine in more detail your system's appstream repo and
why you need --enablerepo=devel ?
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