On 7/17/24 08:43, William V via slurm-users wrote:
I had exactly this problem :

Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: Couldn't find the 
specified plugin name for cgroup/v2 looking at all files
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: cannot find cgroup 
plugin for cgroup/v2
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: cannot create cgroup 
context for cgroup/v2
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: Unable to initialize 
cgroup plugin
Jul 16 11:28:31 occitest slurmd[54981]: slurmd: error: slurmd initialization 

So on the machine where I compile the packages, I installed dbus-devel, I 
recompiled and then reinstalled on the machine and it works now.

Thanks a lot for this observation! Now I see (thanks, Bas!) in https://slurm.schedmd.com/quickstart_admin.html#prereqs that:

cgroup Task Constraining: The task/cgroup plugin will be built if the hwloc 
development library is present. cgroup/v2 support also requires the bpf and 
dbus development libraries.

Therefore one *must* install the following packages for cgroup/v2 support:

$ dnf install hwloc-devel libbpf dbus-devel

I've now added these RPM prerequisites in the Wiki page https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/Niflheim_system/Slurm_installation/#install-prerequisites

Another thing, to install devel packages on Rocky Linux (I don't know about other RHEL), 
you need to use the command: "dnf install xxx --enablerepo=devel".
dnf install rpm-build gcc python3 openssl openssl-devel pam-devel numactl 
numactl-devel hwloc hwloc-devel munge munge-libs munge-devel lua lua-devel 
readline-devel rrdtool-devel ncurses-devel gtk2-devel libibmad libibumad 
perl-Switch perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker xorg-x11-xauth --enablerepo=devel;
dnf install http-parser-devel json-c-devel libjwt-devel freeipmi-devel 
libssh2-devel man2html munge munge-libs munge-devel mariadb-server 
mariadb-devel --enablerepo=devel;

That's an interesting issue which we should explore to determine the best practices!

In my tests on a Rocky 9.4 system I didn't need to use "--enablerepo=devel", even though I see there exists a repo file /etc/yum.repos.d/rocky-devel.repo containing, however, a warning message:

name=Rocky Linux $releasever - Devel WARNING! FOR BUILDROOT ONLY DO NOT LEAVE 

When I try to install a devel RPM package, it comes from the appstream repo (defined in /etc/yum.repos.d/rocky.repo) in stead:

$ dnf install dbus-devel
Last metadata expiration check: 2:09:03 ago on Wed 17 Jul 2024 07:40:07 AM CEST.
Dependencies resolved.
Package Architecture Version Repository Size
dbus-devel x86_64 1:1.12.20-8.el9 appstream 33 k

On AlmaLinux 9.4 the appstream repo is defined in /etc/yum.repos.d/almalinux-appstream.repo so it's readily available.

Could you perhaps examine in more detail your system's appstream repo and why you need --enablerepo=devel ?


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