The requirement for varying CPU and RAM requirements sounds like it could be 
met with the Heterogeneous Jobs feature 
<https://slurm.schedmd.com/heterogeneous_jobs.html>) of Slurm. Take a look at 
that document and see if it meets your needs. 

Mike Robbert 
Cyberinfrastructure Specialist, Cyberinfrastructure and Advanced Research 
Information and Technology Solutions (ITS) 
303-273-3786 | mrobb...@mines.edu <mailto:mrobb...@mines.edu> 

On 7/8/24, 14:20, "Dan Healy via slurm-users" <slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com> 

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the Colorado School of Mines 
organization. Do not click on links or open attachments unless you recognize 
the sender and know the content is safe. 

Hi there, 

I've received a question from an end user, which I presume the answer is "No", 
but would like to ask the community first. 

Scenario: The user wants to create a series of jobs that all need to start at 
the same time. Example: there are 10 different executable applications which 
have varying CPU and RAM constraints, all of which need to communicate via 
TCP/IP. Of course the user could design some type of idle/statusing mechanism 
to wait until all jobs are randomly started, then begin execution, but this 
feels like a waste of resources. The complete execution of these 10 
applications would be considered a single simulation. The goal would be to 
distribute these 10 applications across the cluster and not necessarily require 
them all to execute on a single node. 

Is there a good architecture for this using SLURM? If so, please kindly point 
me in the right direction.


Daniel Healy 

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