
because of my real scenario (in mi first post I explained my testing scenario), 
with several differents users of differents types (researchers, university 
students and/or teachers, etc), I have distributed my GPUs in 3 differents 

  *   PartitionName=cuda-staff.q Nodes=gpu-[1-4] OverSubscribe=No 
MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP AllocNodes=node[0-22],node-login,node-login-bak 
  *   PartitionName=cuda-int.q Nodes=gpu-[2,4] OverSubscribe=No MaxTime=30:00 
State=UP AllocNodes=node[0-22]
  *   PartitionName=cuda-ext.q Nodes=gpu-[1,3] OverSubscribe=No MaxTime=30:00 
State=UP AllocNodes=node[0-22],node-login,node-login-bak


  *   In “cuda-staff.q”, only teachers could submit and they can submit from 
each lab node or each login node.
  *   In “cuda-int.q” everybody can submit, but only from lab nodes.
  *   In “cuda-ex.q” everybody can also submit, but in this case, from lab 
nodes and login nodes.

Since now, I have not used “QoS”... but I’m going to install a new data/user 
server and I want to reconfigure SLURM. If I distributed GPUs in the way that 
Gerhard Strangar explains (both similar RTX3080) in a partition with restricted 
QoS and all other GPUs in other partition, some GPUs that now are restricted 
for “inside lab user” will be accessible from “outside lab user”. So I think 
(all teachers want this way ☹ ) I must have these partitions distribution. 
However, if I apply a QoS limiting only one GPU in each partition. it woulb be 
possible that a user could user one RTX3080 from outside lab and the other 
RTX3080 from inside lab… and this is what I want to deny.

I will reread documentation.

All help will be appreciated, of course!!!!

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