
I have a very simple slurm cluster.  It's just a single system with 2
sockets and 16 cores in each socket.  I would like to be able to submit
a simple task into this cluster, and to have the cpus assigned to that
task allocated round robin across the two sockets.   Everything I try is
putting all the cpus for this single task on the same socket.

I have not specified any CpuBind options in the slurm.conf file.   For
example, if I try

$ srun -c 4 --pty bash

I get a shell prompt on the system, and can run

$ taskset -cp $$
pid 12345 current affinity list: 0,2,4,6

and I get this same set of cpus no matter what options I try (the
cluster is idle with no tasks consuming slots).

I've tried various srun command line options like:
various --cpubind options
-B 2:2 -m block:cyclic and block:fcyclic

Note that if I try to allocation 17 cpus, then I do get the 17th cpu
allocated on the 2nd socket.

What magic incantation is needed to get an allocation where the cpus are
chosen round robin across the sockets?

Thank you!


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