Thank you Ahmet and Brian,

Ahmet, which conf in particular slurmdbd is readiugn from, I parsed all the
cnf files for mysql and I cannot find the data it is displaying here

slurmdbd: debug2: Attempting to connect to localhost:3306
slurmdbd: debug2: innodb_buffer_pool_size: 134217728
slurmdbd: debug2: innodb_log_file_size: 50331648
slurmdbd: debug2: innodb_lock_wait_timeout: 50
slurmdbd: error: Database settings not recommended values:
innodb_buffer_pool_size innodb_lock_wait_timeout

sudo tree /etc/mysql/*
├── mysql.cnf
└── mysqldump.cnf
├── 50-client.cnf
├── 50-mysql-clients.cnf
├── 50-mysqld_safe.cnf
└── 50-server.cnf
├── mysql.cnf
└── mysqld.cnf

On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 12:21 PM Brian Andrus via slurm-users <> wrote:

> That SIGTERM message means something is telling slurmdbd to quit.
> Check your cron jobs, maintenance scripts, etc. Slurmdbd is being told to
> shutdown. If you are running in the foreground, a ^C does that. If you run
> a kill or killall on it, you will get that same message.
> Brian Andrus
> On 5/30/2024 6:53 AM, Radhouane Aniba via slurm-users wrote:
> Yes I can connect to my database using mysql --user=slurm
> --password=slurmdbpass  slurm_acct_db and there is no firewall blocking
> mysql after checking the firewall question
> ALso here is the output of slurmdbd -D -vvv (note I can only run this as
> sudo )
> sudo slurmdbd -D -vvv
> slurmdbd: debug: Log file re-opened
> slurmdbd: debug: Munge authentication plugin loaded
> slurmdbd: debug2: mysql_connect() called for db slurm_acct_db
> slurmdbd: debug2: Attempting to connect to localhost:3306
> slurmdbd: debug2: innodb_buffer_pool_size: 134217728
> slurmdbd: debug2: innodb_log_file_size: 50331648
> slurmdbd: debug2: innodb_lock_wait_timeout: 50
> slurmdbd: error: Database settings not recommended values:
> innodb_buffer_pool_size innodb_lock_wait_timeout
> slurmdbd: Accounting storage MYSQL plugin loaded
> slurmdbd: debug2: ArchiveDir = /tmp
> slurmdbd: debug2: ArchiveScript = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: AuthAltTypes = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: AuthInfo = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: AuthType = auth/munge
> slurmdbd: debug2: CommitDelay = 0
> slurmdbd: debug2: DbdAddr = localhost
> slurmdbd: debug2: DbdBackupHost = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: DbdHost = hannibal-hn
> slurmdbd: debug2: DbdPort = 7032
> slurmdbd: debug2: DebugFlags = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: DebugLevel = 6
> slurmdbd: debug2: DebugLevelSyslog = 10
> slurmdbd: debug2: DefaultQOS = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: LogFile = /var/log/slurmdbd.log
> slurmdbd: debug2: MessageTimeout = 100
> slurmdbd: debug2: Parameters = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: PidFile = /run/
> slurmdbd: debug2: PluginDir = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/slurm-wlm
> slurmdbd: debug2: PrivateData = none
> slurmdbd: debug2: PurgeEventAfter = 1 months*
> slurmdbd: debug2: PurgeJobAfter = 12 months*
> slurmdbd: debug2: PurgeResvAfter = 1 months*
> slurmdbd: debug2: PurgeStepAfter = 1 months
> slurmdbd: debug2: PurgeSuspendAfter = 1 months
> slurmdbd: debug2: PurgeTXNAfter = 12 months
> slurmdbd: debug2: PurgeUsageAfter = 24 months
> slurmdbd: debug2: SlurmUser = root(0)
> slurmdbd: debug2: StorageBackupHost = (null)
> slurmdbd: debug2: StorageHost = localhost
> slurmdbd: debug2: StorageLoc = slurm_acct_db
> slurmdbd: debug2: StoragePort = 3306
> slurmdbd: debug2: StorageType = accounting_storage/mysql
> slurmdbd: debug2: StorageUser = slurm
> slurmdbd: debug2: TCPTimeout = 2
> slurmdbd: debug2: TrackWCKey = 0
> slurmdbd: debug2: TrackSlurmctldDown= 0
> slurmdbd: debug2: acct_storage_p_get_connection: request new connection 1
> slurmdbd: debug2: Attempting to connect to localhost:3306
> slurmdbd: slurmdbd version 19.05.5 started
> slurmdbd: debug2: running rollup at Thu May 30 13:50:08 2024
> slurmdbd: debug2: Everything rolled up
> It goes like this for some time and then it crashes with this message
> slurmdbd: Terminate signal (SIGINT or SIGTERM) received
> slurmdbd: debug: rpc_mgr shutting down
> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 8:18 AM mercan <>
> wrote:
>> Did you try to connect database using mysql command?
>> mysql --user=slurm --password=slurmdbpass  slurm_acct_db
>> C. Ahmet Mercan
>> On 30.05.2024 14:48, Radhouane Aniba via slurm-users wrote:
>> Thank you Ahmet,
>> I dont have a firewall active.
>> And because slurmdbd cannot connect to the database I am not able to
>> getting it to be activated through systemctl I will share the output for
>> slurmdbd -D -vvv shortly but overall it is always saying trying to connect
>> to the db and then retries a couple of times and crashes
>> R.
>> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 2:51 AM mercan <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi;
>>> Did you check can you connect db with your conf parameters from
>>> head-node:
>>> mysql --user=slurm --password=slurmdbpass  slurm_acct_db
>>> Also, check and stop firewall and selinux, if they are running.
>>> Last, you can stop slurmdbd, then run run terminal with:
>>> slurmdbd -D -vvv
>>> Regards;
>>> C. Ahmet Mercan
>>> On 30.05.2024 00:05, Radhouane Aniba via slurm-users wrote:
>>> Hi everyone
>>> I am trying to get slurmdbd to run on my local home server but I am
>>> really struggling.
>>> Note : am a novice slurm user
>>> my slurmdbd always times out even though all the details in the conf
>>> file are correct
>>> My log looks like this
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] Accounting storage MYSQL plugin loaded
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: ArchiveDir = /tmp
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: ArchiveScript = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: AuthAltTypes = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: AuthInfo = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: AuthType = auth/munge
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: CommitDelay = 0
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DbdAddr = localhost
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DbdBackupHost = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DbdHost = head-node
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DbdPort = 7032
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DebugFlags = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DebugLevel = 6
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DebugLevelSyslog = 10
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: DefaultQOS = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: LogFile = /var/log/slurmdbd.log
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: MessageTimeout = 100
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: Parameters = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PidFile = /run/
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PluginDir =
>>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/slurm-wlm
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PrivateData = none
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PurgeEventAfter = 1 months*
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PurgeJobAfter = 12 months*
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PurgeResvAfter = 1 months*
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PurgeStepAfter = 1 months
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PurgeSuspendAfter = 1 months
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PurgeTXNAfter = 12 months
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: PurgeUsageAfter = 24 months
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.088] debug2: SlurmUser = root(0)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: StorageBackupHost = (null)
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: StorageHost = localhost
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: StorageLoc = slurm_acct_db
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: StoragePort = 3306
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: StorageType = accounting_storage/mysql
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: StorageUser = slurm
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: TCPTimeout = 2
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: TrackWCKey = 0
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: TrackSlurmctldDown= 0
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: acct_storage_p_get_connection: request
>>> new connection 1
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.089] debug2: Attempting to connect to
>>> localhost:3306
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.090] slurmdbd version 19.05.5 started
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.090] debug2: running rollup at Wed May 29 20:51:30
>>> 2024
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:30.091] debug2: Everything rolled up
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:49.673] Terminate signal (SIGINT or SIGTERM) received
>>> [2024-05-29T20:51:49.673] debug: rpc_mgr shutting down
>>> my config file looks like this
>>> ArchiveEvents=yes
>>> ArchiveJobs=yes
>>> ArchiveResvs=yes
>>> ArchiveSteps=no
>>> ArchiveSuspend=no
>>> ArchiveTXN=no
>>> ArchiveUsage=no
>>> PurgeEventAfter=1month
>>> PurgeJobAfter=12month
>>> PurgeResvAfter=1month
>>> PurgeStepAfter=1month
>>> PurgeSuspendAfter=1month
>>> PurgeTXNAfter=12month
>>> PurgeUsageAfter=24month
>>> # Authentication info
>>> AuthType=auth/munge
>>> # slurmDBD info
>>> DbdAddr=localhost
>>> DbdHost=head-node
>>> DbdPort=7032
>>> SlurmUser=root
>>> MessageTimeout=100
>>> DebugLevel=5
>>> #DefaultQOS=normal,standby
>>> LogFile=/var/log/slurmdbd.log
>>> PidFile=/run/
>>> #PrivateData=accounts,users,usage,jobs
>>> #TrackWCKey=yes
>>> #
>>> # Database info
>>> StorageType=accounting_storage/mysql
>>> StorageHost=localhost
>>> StoragePort=3306
>>> StoragePass=slurmdbpass
>>> StorageUser=slurm
>>> StorageLoc=slurm_acct_db
>>> I used standard names and passwords to get started and I will change
>>> later
>>> but everytime I try to start slurmdbd.service it crashes and I have that
>>> log that I shared with you
>>> I use these versions
>>> slurmdbd -V
>>> slurm-wlm 19.05.5
>>> mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.39-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
>>> using readline 5.2
>>> Everything else Is working properly except I cannot get slurmdbd to work
>>> and at this point I exhausted all my possible trials :) looking for some
>>> expert insights :)
>>> Any idea what I am doing wrong here ? Also I didn't compile any slurm
>>> package. I used the binary from apt repos
>>> Any help will be appreciated
>>> Cheers
>>> Rad
>>> --
> --
> *Rad Aniba, PhD*
> --
> slurm-users mailing list --
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*Rad Aniba, PhD*
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