IIUC you can't do that.
You either allow overcommit or you split your job in multiple, smaller
jobs that fit.
The resources you're requesting must be available at the same time: if
your job needs 2 CPUs and you want to run it in parallel, just use a job
array. If you request 500 CPUs it means your job can not run with just 384.
Il 30/05/2024 11:41, Dan Healy via slurm-users ha scritto:
Following up on this in case anyone can provide some insight, please.
On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 8:32 AM Dan Healy <daniel.t.he...@gmail.com
<mailto:daniel.t.he...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi there, SLURM community,
I swear I've done this before, but now it's failing on a new cluster
I'm deploying. We have 6 compute nodes with 64 cpu each (384 CPU
total). When I run `srun -n 500 hostname`, the task gets queued
since there's not 500 available CPU.
Wasn't there an option that allows for this to be run where the
first 384 tasks execute, and then the remaining execute when
resources free up?
Here's my conf:
# Slurm Cgroup Configs used on controllers and workers
CgroupAutomount: yes
ConstrainCores: yes
ConstrainRAMSpace: yes
ConstrainSwapSpace: yes
ConstrainDevices: yes
# Slurm conf file settings
AccountingStorageType: "accounting_storage/slurmdbd"
AccountingStorageEnforce: "limits"
AuthAltTypes: "auth/jwt"
ClusterName: "cluster"
AccountingStorageHost : "{{
hostvars[groups['controller'][0]].ansible_hostname }}"
DefMemPerCPU: 1024
InactiveLimit: 120
JobAcctGatherType: "jobacct_gather/cgroup"
JobCompType: "jobcomp/none"
MailProg: "/usr/bin/mail"
MaxArraySize: 40000
MaxJobCount: 100000
MinJobAge: 3600
ProctrackType: "proctrack/cgroup"
ReturnToService: 2
SelectType: "select/cons_tres"
SelectTypeParameters: "CR_Core_Memory"
SlurmctldTimeout: 30
SlurmctldLogFile: "/var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log"
SlurmdLogFile: "/var/log/slurm/slurmd.log"
SlurmdSpoolDir: "/var/spool/slurm/d"
SlurmUser: "{{ slurm_user.name <http://slurm_user.name> }}"
SrunPortRange: "60000-61000"
StateSaveLocation: "/var/spool/slurm/ctld"
TaskPlugin: "task/affinity,task/cgroup"
UnkillableStepTimeout: 120
Daniel Healy
Daniel Healy
Diego Zuccato
DIFA - Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia
Servizi Informatici
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
V.le Berti-Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna - Italy
tel.: +39 051 20 95786
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