That's essentially what I've been doing-- a daily 'sacct' that dumps a json 
file, and then I dig through the json files.  I'm basically doing the same 
thing that sreport is doing.  Given the enormous amount of machinery in Slurm 
for handling rollups, it seems bizarre that the whole thing is made useless 
because of a seemingly-odd decision to treat certain pending jobs as if they 
were running for accounting purposes. 

On 3/4/24, 12:38 PM, "Brian Andrus via slurm-users" 
< <>> wrote:


I use 'sacct' rather than sreport and get individual job data. That is 
ingested into a db and PowerBI, which can then aggregate as needed.

sreport is pretty general and likely not the best for accurate 
chargeback data.

Brian Andrus

On 3/4/2024 6:09 AM, Chip Seraphine via slurm-users wrote:
> Hello,
> I am attempting to implement a billback model and finding myself stymied by 
> the way that sreport handles job arrays. Basically, when a user submits a 
> large array, their usage includes time that jobs in the back of the array 
> spend waiting their turn. (My #1 user in “sreport user topusage” shows more 
> “used” cpu*minutes than the cluster physically _has_ during that interval.) 
> However, jobs that are idle pending resources are simply regarded as pending; 
> as a result, a “polite” user who submits an array of 1000 jobs running N at a 
> time is penalized over a user who just dumps 1000 loose jobs into the queue. 
> This incentives my users to do exactly what I do not want!
> Has anyone tried to bill their users based on the results of sreport? If so, 
> how did you work around this problem? What did you use to determine the # of 
> CPU*Minutes that a user actually allocated on during a given interval?
> --
> Chip Seraphine
> Grid Operations
> For support please use help-grid in email or slack.
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