Hello Thomas,

I know I'm a few days late to this, so I'm wondering whether you've made
any progress. We experience this, too, but in a different way.

First, though, you may be aware, but you should use salloc rather than srun
--pty for an interactive session. That's been the preferred method for a
while, and one reason is that you can't run an srun from within an srun. So
I wonder whether that has something to do with it.

We run an old version of Open OnDemand, and what we see is when a user
starts a virtual desktop session on a node and then submits a job with
sbatch, once it terminates/dies, the virtual desktop session terminates
too. I think this happens only when the job ends up on the same node on
which the virtual desktop session is running. I haven't delved too deeply
into that, but I suspect the virtual desktop session might be launched with
an srun in some way, and somehow this is affected by something that happens
when submitting an sbatch. I know that's super vague, but I haven't really
gone too far with it, though the errors are similar (and in fact might be
identical, it's been a few weeks!).

Warmest regards,

On Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 5:41 AM Thomas Hartmann via slurm-users <
slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> when I start an interactive job like this:
> srun --pty --mem=3G -c2 bash
> And then I schedule and run other jobs (can be interactive or non
> interactive) and one of these jobs that runs on the same node terminates,
> the interactive job gets killed with this message:
> srun: error: node01.abc.at: task 0: Killed
> I attached our slurm config. Does anybody have an idea what is going on
> here or where I could look to debug? I'm quite new to slurm, so I don't
> know all the places to look...
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Thomas
> --
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*Jason L. Simms, Ph.D., M.P.H.*
Manager of Research Computing
Swarthmore College
Information Technology Services
(610) 328-8102
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