salloc is the currently recommended way for interactive sessions. srun is now intended for launching steps or MPI applications. So properly you would salloc and then srun inside the salloc.

As you've noticed with srun you tend lose control of your shell as it takes over so you have background the process unless it is the main process. We've hit this before when people use srun to subschedule in a salloc.

You can also just launch the salloc and then operate via the normal command line reserving srun for things like launching MPI.

The reason they changed from srun to salloc is that you can't srun inside a srun. So if you were a user who started a srun interactive session and then you tried to invoke MPI it would get weird as you would be invoking another srun. By using salloc you avoid this issue.

We used to use srun for interactive sessions as well but swapped to salloc a few years back and haven't had any issues.

-Paul Edmon-

On 2/28/2024 10:17 AM, wdennis--- via slurm-users wrote:
Hi list,

In our institution, our instructions to users who want to spawn an interactive job (for us, a bash shell) have always been to do "srun 
..." from the login node, which has always been working well for us. But when we had a recent Slurm training, the SchedMD folks advised us 
to use "salloc" and then "srun" to do interactive jobs. I tried this today, "salloc" gave me a shell on a server, 
the same as srun does, but then when I tried to "srun [programname]" it hung there with no output. Of course when I tried "srun 
[programname] &" it spawned the background job, and gave me back a prompt. Either time I had to Ctrl-C the running srun job, and got 
no output other than the srun/slurmstepd termination output.

I think I read somewhere that directly invoking srun creates an allocation; why 
then would I want to do an initial salloc, and then srun? (i the case that I 
want a foreground program, such as a bash shell)

I have surveyed some other institution's Slurm interactive jobs documentation 
for users, I see both examples of advice to run srun directly, or salloc and 
then srun.

Please help me to understand how this is intended to work, and if we are "doing it 
wrong" :)


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