I see this question unanswered so far.. so I'll give you my 2 cents:

Quick check reveals that mentioned symbol is in libslurmfull.so :

[root@slurmserver2 ~]# nm -gD /usr/lib64/slurm/libslurmfull.so | grep "slurm_conf$"
00000000000d2c06 T free_slurm_conf
00000000000d3345 T init_slurm_conf
000000000041d000 B slurm_conf
[root@slurmserver2 ~]#

can not be that this dynamic lib is still the old one?

Depending if you install slurm by rpms, manual in-place build, or something else, the reasons why there is old lib in place may vary..



On 28. 02. 24 11:16, Miriam Olmi via slurm-users wrote:
`slurm_conf' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking

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