I seem to have run into an edge case where I’m able to oversubscribe a specific 
subset of GPUs on one host in particular.

Slurm 22.05.8
Ubuntu 20.04
cgroups v1 (ProctrackType=proctrack/cgroup)

It seems to be partly a corner case with a couple of caveats.
This host has 2 different GPU types in the same host.
All GPUs are configured with 6 shards/gpu.

> NodeName=gpu03              CPUs=88             RealMemory=768000   Sockets=2 
>           CoresPerSocket=22       ThreadsPerCore=2    State=UNKNOWN   
> Feature=avx512      Gres=gpu:rtx:2,gpu:p40:6,shard:48

My gres.conf is auto-nvml, with nothing else in the file.

> AutoDetect=nvml

Schedule and select from slurm.conf
> SchedulerType=sched/backfill
> SelectType=select/cons_tres
> SelectTypeParameters=CR_CPU_Memory
> GresTypes=gpu,shard

Here’s a copy of slurmd’s log starting up with debug logging: 
https://pastebin.com/fbriTAZD <https://pastebin.com/fbriTAZD>
I checked there to make sure that it was allocating an even 6 shards per GPU as 
intended, and it did.
The only thing odd about the rtx cards is that they have an NVLink bridge 
between them, but I wouldn’t expect that to have any impact with respect to 

So far it only appears to manifest if anything is using the named gpu (--gres 
gpu:rtx:1), but not as a general gres (--gres gpu:1).
It also doesn’t occur with any count of named p40 gres either, only with the 
rtx gres.

The below was as “high” as I was able to capture it oversubscribed in very 
quick testing.
You can see there are 2 rtx and 43 shards allocated, which should be an 
impossible number, if we correctly assume an rtx==6 shards, and with 48 total 
shards, that should reduce the available pool of shards to 36 shards.

> NodeName=gpu03 Arch=x86_64 CoresPerSocket=22
>    CPUAlloc=88 CPUEfctv=88 CPUTot=88 CPULoad=0.27
>    AvailableFeatures=avx512
>    ActiveFeatures=avx512
>    Gres=gpu:p40:6(S:0),gpu:rtx:2(S:0),shard:p40:36(S:0),shard:rtx:12(S:0)
>    NodeAddr=gpu03 NodeHostName=gpu03 Version=22.05.8
>    OS=Linux 5.4.0-164-generic #181-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 1 13:41:22 UTC 2023
>    RealMemory=768000 AllocMem=45056 FreeMem=563310 Sockets=2 Boards=1
>    State=ALLOCATED+RESERVED ThreadsPerCore=2 TmpDisk=0 Weight=1 Owner=N/A 
> MCS_label=N/A
>    Partitions=gpu,gpu-prod
>    BootTime=2024-02-02T14:17:07 SlurmdStartTime=2024-02-14T16:28:17
>    LastBusyTime=2024-02-14T16:38:03
> CfgTRES=cpu=88,mem=750G,billing=88,gres/gpu=8,gres/gpu:p40=6,gres/gpu:rtx=2,gres/shard=48
>    AllocTRES=cpu=88,mem=44G,gres/gpu=2,gres/gpu:rtx=2,gres/shard=43
>    CapWatts=n/a
>    CurrentWatts=0 AveWatts=0
>    ExtSensorsJoules=n/s ExtSensorsWatts=0 ExtSensorsTemp=n/s

The above is 1 rtx:2 jobs, and 43 shard:1 jobs, which is as many as I can seem 
to push through with the given cpu cores on the system, I expect if there were 
98-100 cores I could completely oversubscribe it.

If I do (1) rtx:2 + (24) shard:2 it actually limits it correctly to 36 shards, 
which is odd because the case that caused us to discover this was when 2 rtx:1 
jobs were running for multiple days, and somehow shards got scheduled on those 
>    AllocTRES=cpu=40,mem=20G,gres/gpu=2,gres/gpu:rtx=2,gres/shard=36

If I flip it around to shards before rtx, then I’m unable to oversubscribe it.
If I add any P40 jobs before the rtx and then shard jobs, also unable to 

This sounded familiar to Bug 16484 
<https://bugs.schedmd.com/show_bug.cgi?id=16484> although they claimed it was 
resolved by using auto-nvml which would preclude this node.

Here’s my very simple bash script that just srun's a sleep 20 so that it runs 
long enough to observe it.
> #!/bin/bash
> #rtx 2
> for((i=1;i<=1;++i)) ;
>       do
>               srun --gres gpu:rtx:2 --reservation=shardtest -J "RTX   $i" 
> sleep 20 &
>       done
> sleep 1

> #shard 48
> for((i=1;i<=43;++i)) ;
>       do
>               srun --gres shard:1 --reservation=shardtest -J "shard $i" sleep 
> 20 &
>       done
> sleep 5 ; scontrol show node gpu03

Curious if anyone has any ideas beyond try a newer release?


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