My impression is, that there are multiple challenges why it's not easy to create good-for-all recent slurm RPM:

- NVML dependency - different sites use different NVML lib version with varying update cycle - pmi* deps - some sites (like mine) is using only one reasonable recent openpmix, I know other sites, using eg. Impi with different pmi configuration requirements
- EL release cycle vs. Slurm release schedule is (fortunately!) not aligned

BTw. there is HPC-SIG group in Rocky Linux interested in packaging slurm..
OpenHPC has also own distribution of slurm rpms, and there used to be some in EPEL too.

I ended writing GitHub action building the rpms for me.. and I must say that SchedMD maintains quite stable and predictable build procedure, so usually bumping version(s) is enough.



On 29. 01. 24 17:00, Robert Kudyba wrote:
According to these links:

Why doesn't RHEL 8 get a newer version? Can someone update the repo maintainer Philip Kovacs <> <>? There was a ticket at but no movement on RHEL 8.

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