Hi Kamil,

Kamil Wilczek <km...@mimuw.edu.pl> writes:

> Dear All,
> I have a question regarding the fair-share factor of the multifactor
> priority algorithm. My current understanding is that the fair-share
> makes sure that different *accounts* have a fair share of the
> computational power.
> But what if my organisation structure is flat and I have only one
> account where all my user reside. Is fair-share algorithm working
> in this situation -- does it take into account users (associations)
> from this single account, and tries to assing a fair-factor to each
> user? Or each user from this account have the same fair-factor at
> each iteration?
> And what if I have, say 3 accounts, but I do not wan't to calculate
> fair-share between accounts, but between all associations from all
> 3 accounts? In other words, is there a fair-share factor for
> users/associations instead of accounts?
> Kind regards

We have a similar situation.  We do in fact have an account for each
research group and the groups are associated with institutes and
departments, but we use FairShare=parent so that all users are given the
same number of shares and thus treated equally by the fair-share



Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
FUB-IT (ex-ZEDAT), Freie Universität Berlin

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