Hello list.

I'm reading documentation about gres types, specifically this part:

https://slurm.schedmd.com/gres.conf.html#OPT_File which seems to be relevant to 
NVidia GPUs, but, correct me if I'm wrong, not so much relevant to AMD GPUs. I 
couldn't find any information about AMD GPUs being exposed as files in the same 
or similar way to how NVidia's drivers do that.

Consider this configuration in gres.conf for NVidia GPUs:

NodeName=node001 Name=gpu Type=v100 Count=1 File=/dev/nvidia0 AutoDetect=NVML

what would the analogous configuration look like for AMD GPU?

When I try to simply not specify the "File", and set "Type" to glxrXXX and 
"AutoDetect" to RMSI, then slurmd ignores this resource (from memory, the log 
will contain a message saying something like "ignoring resource without file" 
-- sorry, I don't have a system with these GPUs ready at the moment).


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