The SlurmctldHost value is set like the following in my slurm.conf:




That seems to be legal according to the documentation. However, I get error 
messages like the following:


$ srun id

srun: error: get_addr_info: getaddrinfo() failed: Name or service not known

srun: error: slurm_set_addr: Unable to resolve "host0,host1"

srun: error: Unable to establish control machine address

srun: error: Unable to allocate resources: Address already in use


If I try to put IP addresses in parentheses per the documentation, I get 
different errors:


$ srun id

srun: error: Bad value "host0(,host1" for SlurmctldHost

srun: error: No SlurmctldHost defined.

srun: fatal: Unable to process configuration file


If I put a single hostname, or a hostname with an address in parentheses as the 
value for SlurmctldHost, it works fine but I have no failover.


I’m running 23.02.6:


$ sinfo --version

slurm 23.02.6


What’s going on?




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