
Matthew Brown <brown...@vt.edu> writes:

> Minimum  memory required per allocated CPU. ... Note that if the job's
> --mem-per-cpu value exceeds the configured MaxMemPerCPU, then  the
> user's  limit  will be treated as a memory limit per task

Ah, thanks, I should've read the documentation more carefully.

From my limited tests today, somehow in the interactive queue all seems
OK now, but not so in the 'batch' queue. For example, I just submitted
three jobs with different amount of CPUs per job (4, 8 and 16 processes
respectively). MaxMemPerCPU is set to 2GB, and these jobs run the
'stress' command, consuming 3GB per process.

| [user@xxx test]$ squeue
|      JOBID PARTITION         NAME       USER  ST        TIME   TIME_LIMIT   
|     127564     batch         test     user   R        9:25        15:00     
16     normal    ddgroup                 xxx
|     127562     batch         test     user   R        9:25        15:00      
4     normal    ddgroup                 xxx
|     127563     batch         test     user   R        9:25        15:00      
8     normal    ddgroup                 xxx

It looks like Slurm is trying to kill the jobs, but somehow not all the
processes die (as you can see below, 2 out of the 4 processes in job
127562 are still there after 9 minutes, 3 of the 8 proceeses in job
127563 and 6 of the 16 processes in job 127564):

| [user@xxx test]$ ps -fea | grep stress
| user   1853317 1853314  0 22:35 ?        00:00:00 stress -m 16 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853319 1853317 66 22:35 ?        00:06:17 stress -m 16 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853320 1853317 65 22:35 ?        00:06:11 stress -m 16 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853321 1853317 65 22:35 ?        00:06:11 stress -m 16 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853328 1853317 65 22:35 ?        00:06:12 stress -m 16 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853329 1853317 65 22:35 ?        00:06:12 stress -m 16 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853338 1853337  0 22:35 ?        00:00:00 stress -m 8 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853340 1853338 68 22:35 ?        00:06:32 stress -m 8 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853341 1853338 69 22:35 ?        00:06:34 stress -m 8 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853347 1853316  0 22:35 ?        00:00:00 stress -m 4 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1853350 1853347 68 22:35 ?        00:06:29 stress -m 4 -t 600 
--vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G
| user   1854560 1511070  0 22:45 pts/2    00:00:00 grep stress

And these processes are truly using 3GB:

| [user@xxx test]$ ps -v 1853319
| 1853319 ?        R      6:25   8642    11 3149428 3146040  1.1 stress -m 16 
-t 600 --vm-keep --vm-bytes 3G

Any idea how to solve/debug this?

Many thanks,
Ángel de Vicente
 Research Software Engineer (Supercomputing and BigData)
 Tel.: +34 922-605-747
 Web.: http://research.iac.es/proyecto/polmag/

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