Ok, man thank


On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 5:00 PM Brian Andrus <toomuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mohammed,
> Generally, you can think of federation as a way to centrally track and
> manage your multiple clusters. More of a way to run single 'sreport' and
> 'sacct' commands. There are added abilities such as being able to specify
> the cluster to send a job to, but for all intents and purposes, the
> clusters themselves are independent.
> It sounds like what you may want is multiple partitions in the same
> cluster. You can have 2 that comprise of the sets of nodes and a third that
> is comprised of all nodes. Or a single partition with all nodes and have
> features that delineate what node can do what (a node-locked license, for
> example). Then you can send a job to a specific subset of nodes.
> Quite a few other ways to design the ability you describe, but separate
> clusters is not one of them.
> Brian Andrus
> On 6/26/2023 6:11 AM, mohammed shambakey wrote:
> Hi
> Just out of interest, I wonder what the exact difference between slurm
> multi-cluster and federation (apart from unique job id, and federation
> limitations) is. Usually, I use the "-Mall" option with multi-cluster.
> Initially, I thought the federation will send tasks to more than on cluster
> at once (e.g., I had 2 clusters, each cluster has 2 nodes, and each node
> has 8 CPUs. I submitted more than 16 tasks, and though the federation will
> submit 16 tasks to the first cluster, and the additional tasks to the
> second cluster. But, it seems the federation acts similarly to the
> multi-cluster as only one cluster receives the tasks).
> Regards
> --
> Mohammed


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