I don’t have any direct advice off-hand, but I figure I will try to help steer 
the conversation in the right direction for figuring it out.

I’m going to assume that since you mention 21.08.5, that this means you are 
using the slurm-wlm packages from the ubuntu repos, and not building yourself?

And have all the components (slurmctld(s), slurmdbd, slurmd(s)) been upgraded 
as well?

The only thing that immediately comes to mind is that I remember reading a good 
bit about Ubuntu 22.04’s use of cgroups v2, which as I understand it are very 
different from cgroups v1, and plenty of people have had issues with v1/v2 
mismatches with slurm and other applications.


Hope that at least steers the conversation in a good direction.


> On Jun 15, 2023, at 5:04 PM, Tim Schneider <tim.schneid...@tu-darmstadt.de> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am maintaining the SLURM cluster of my research group. Recently I updated 
> to Ubuntu 22.04 and Slurm 21.08.5 and ever since, I am unable to launch jobs. 
> When launching a job, I receive the following error:
> $ srun --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=1 -c 1 --mem-per-cpu 1G --time=01:00:00 
> --pty -p amd -w cn02 --pty bash -i
> srun: error: task 0 launch failed: Plugin initialization failed
> Strangely, I cannot find any indication of this problem in the logs (find the 
> logs attached). The problem must be related to the task/cgroup plugin, as it 
> does not occur when I disable it.
> After reading in the documentation, I tried adding the cgroup_enable=memory 
> swapaccount=1 kernel parameters, but the problem persisted.
> I would be very grateful for any advice where to look since I have no idea 
> how to investigate this issue further.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Best,
> Tim
> <cgroup.conf><slurmd.log><slurmctld.log>

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