Hey Andrew,

I don’t have any specific examples I can share right this second, I’ll look 
into making it shareable, but my solution was to throw some basic bash scripts 
into cron to scrap and ship into influx.

I have one script that looks at sinfo, parsing out AIOT state for nodes and 
CPUs, and then a very ugly, hacky sed/cut/awk to scrape GPU usage; as well as 
squeue to see jobs per state; both of these per partition and cluster.
I have another script that is basic sreport parsing for the tres/gres I care 
about, so that I can get a somewhat birdseye trend of utilization over time.

There’s likely to be something far, far better for this, but it was a quick and 
dirty solution to get something visible with existing tooling (Grafana/influx).


> On Jun 11, 2023, at 6:43 PM, Andrew Elwell <andrew.elw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2 June 2023, 22:03 Jörg Striewski, <striew...@ismll.de 
> <mailto:striew...@ismll.de>> wrote:
> Hi, we use grafana with influx, it is easy to install and works fine
> Hi Jörg,
> Are your slurm to influx scripts publicly available anywhere? I do something 
> similar for squeue via python subprocess to call
> squeue -M all -a -o "%P,%a,%u,%D,%q,%T,%r"
> And some sinfo calls for node/cpu usage:
> sinfo -M {} -o "%P,%a,%F"
> sinfo -M {} -o "%%R,%a,%C,%B,%z"
> But I'd be interested to see what other places do. Perhaps some examples 
> could be gathered for Ole's wiki?
> Andrew

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