
We have slurm 21.08 on ubuntu 20. We have a cluster of 8 nodes. Entire
slurm communication happens over 192.168.5.x network (LAN). However as per
requirement, now we are migrating the cluster to other premises and there
we have 172.16.1.x (LAN). I have to migrate the entire network including
SLURMDBD (mariadb), SLURMCTLD, SLURMD. ALso the cluster network is also
changing from 192.168.5.x to 172.16.1.x and each node will be assigned the
ip address from the 172.16.1.x network.
The cluster has been running for the last 3 months and it is required to
maintain the old usage stats as well.

 Is the procedure correct as below :

1) Stop slurm
2) suspend all the queued jobs
3) backup slurm database
4) change the slurm & munge configuration i.e. munge conf, mariadb conf,
slurmdbd.conf, slurmctld.conf, slurmd.conf (on compute nodes), gres.conf,
service file
5) Later, do the update in the slurm database by executing below command
sacctmgr modify node where node=old_name set name=new_name
for all the nodes.
ALso, I think, slurm server name and slurmdbd server names are also
required to be updated. How to do it, still checking
6) Finally, start slurmdbd, slurmctld on server and slurmd on compute nodes

Please help and guide for above.


Purvesh Parmar

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