Hello Ole and Hoot, First, Hoot, thank you for your question. I've managed Slurm for a few years now and still feel like I don't have a great understanding about managing or limiting resources.
Ole, thanks for your continued support of the user community with your documentation. I do wish not only that more of your information were contained within the official docs, but also that there were even clearer discussions around certain topics. As an example, you write that "It is important to configure slurm.conf so that the locked memory limit isn’t propagated to the batch jobs" by setting PropagateResourceLimitsExcept=MEMLOCK. It's unclear to me whether you are suggesting that literally everyone should have that set, or whether it only applies to certain configurations. We don't have it set, for instance, but we've not run into trouble with jobs failing due to locked memory errors. Then, in the official docs, to which you link, it says that "it may also be desirable to lock the slurmd daemon's memory to help ensure that it keeps responding if memory swapping begins" by creating /etc/sysconfig/slurm containing the line SLURMD_OPTIONS="-M". Would there ever be a reason *not* to include that? That is, I can't think it would ever be desirable for slurmd to stop responding. So is that another "universal" recommendation, I wonder? It may be me talking as a new-ish user, but I would find a concise document laying out common or useful configuration options to be presented when setting up or reconfiguring Slurm. I'm certain I have inefficient or missing options that I should have. Warmest regards, Jason On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 2:11 AM Ole Holm Nielsen <ole.h.niel...@fysik.dtu.dk> wrote: > Hi Hoot, > > On 4/20/23 00:15, Hoot Thompson wrote: > > Is there a ‘how to’ or recipe document for setting up and enforcing > resource limits? I can establish accounts, users, and set limits but > 'current value' is not incrementing after running jobs. > > I have written about resource limits in this Wiki page: > > https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/Niflheim_system/Slurm_configuration/#partition-limits > > IHTH, > Ole > > -- *Jason L. Simms, Ph.D., M.P.H.* Manager of Research Computing Swarthmore College Information Technology Services (610) 328-8102 Schedule a meeting: https://calendly.com/jlsimms