Hi Nicolas,

you could use the prioritytier for partitions:

              Jobs submitted to a partition with a higher PriorityTier value will be evaluated by the scheduler before pending jobs in a partition with a lower PriorityTier value. They  will               also  be  considered  for preemption of running jobs in partition(s) with lower PriorityTier values if PreemptType=preempt/partition_prio.  The value may not exceed 65533.  Also
              see PriorityJobFactor.



Am 06.03.2023 um 19:33 schrieb Nicolas Sonoda:

Can I create a partition with a capacity of hold and release jobs when another partition jobs is submited? For example, the partition *one* and *two* can hold their jobs when some job of partition *three* is submited, and after this job completes the partition *one *and *two* releases their jobs again.

Thank you.

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