
It may help more to understand what you are trying to do accomplish rather than find out how to do it the way you expect.

I am guessing you are using srun to get an interactive session on a node. That approach is being deprecated and you get a shell by default with salloc

If you are trying to start new jobs on other nodes, you would want to use salloc/sbatch to launch them. If you are wanting to have multiple nodes on a single job, IIRC, you would request them with the initial salloc and then use options to srun to launch appropriately.

What specifically do you want to get (resource-wise) and how do you want to use them?

Brian Andrus

On 2/28/2023 9:49 AM, Jake Jellinek wrote:
Hi all

I come from a SGE/UGE background and am used to the convention that I can qrsh 
to a node and, from there, start a new qrsh to a different node with different 
I've tried this with Slurm and found that this doesn’t work the same.

For example, if I issue an 'srun' command, I get a new node.
However if I then try to start a new srun session to a different node type 
(different resource requirements), it just puts me back on the same box.

I did find a post from 12 years ago that suggested that this was by design but 
am hoping that this has now changed or that there is a config option which 
turns off this feature.

Thank you

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