Hi Chris,

thank you. I've overseen this part.

But someone who is actually using a UnkillableStepProgram stated the opposite 
(that it's executed on the controller nodes). Are you aware of any change 
between Slurm releases? Maybe one of the two parts is just a leftover. Are you 
using a UnkillableStepProgram?

Thank you :)


Am Freitag, 20. Januar 2023, 05:59:19 CET schrieb Christopher Samuel:
> On 1/19/23 5:01 am, Stefan Staeglich wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hiya,
> > I'm wondering where the UnkillableStepProgram is actually executed.
> > According to Mike it has to be available on every on the compute nodes.
> > This makes sense only if it is executed there.
> That's right, it's only executed on compute nodes.
> > But the man page slurm.conf of 21.08.x states:
> >         UnkillableStepProgram
> >         
> >                Must be executable by user SlurmUser.  The file must be
> > 
> > accessible by the primary and backup control machines.
> > 
> > So I would expect it's executed on the controller node.
> That's strange, my slurm.conf man page from a system still running 21.08
> says:
>         This program can be used to take special actions to clean up
>         the unkillable processes and/or notify system administrators.
>         The program will be run as SlurmdUser (usually "root") on
>         the compute node where UnkillableStepTimeout was triggered.
> Ah, I see, there's a later "FILE AND DIRECTORY PERMISSIONS" part which
> has the text that you've found - that part's wrong! :-)
> All the best,
> Chris

Stefan Stäglich,  Universität Freiburg,  Institut für Informatik
Georges-Köhler-Allee,  Geb.52,   79110 Freiburg,    Germany

E-Mail : staeg...@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
WWW    : ml.informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Telefon: +49 761 203-8223

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